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We a Service That Provides a Free IRC Bouncer

What is MSNBNC

MsnBNC is a non-profit organization that specializes in providing Free IRC Bouncers. IRC Bouncers are used to connect to Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks primarily but can be configured so that you stay online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and also log messages that were said while you were away. Our objective is to be able to provide IRC Bouncers to nearly every Internet Relay Chat Network in the world completely free of charge while ensuring that our services are as stable and secure as possible unlike some of the other unstable and insecure providers out there.


How Request a BNC

To request a bouncer, join irc.Planetchat.net- #MsnBNC

Or Join Via MsnBNC WebChat

After joining the channel, do:

!request Username Valid@Email IRC.Server:Port

and wait for an email

or message in the channel regarding your request status

EX: !request Example Example@Example.com irc.example.com:6667

MsnBNC Stats:
Total Users: 55
Validated Pending Requests: 1
Unvalidated Pending Requests: 2
MsnBNC Servers: 3
Available IPv4 Addresses: 5
Available IPv6 Addresses: 110
Total Available IP Addresses: 115

Copyright © 2014-2016 MsnBNC By Yunis